Naam, stoffen, farmaceutische vorm, toedieningsweg, afleverstatus en nummer
Product Name

An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching

Active substance(s)

An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching

Pharmaceutical form
Route of Administration
Legal status
UDD:Use by veterinarian only. Veterinary medicines that can only be administered by the veterinarian, and may therefore not be supplied directly to the animal farmer.
UDA:Exclusively available from a veterinarian or on prescription by a veterinarian from a pharmacy. Veterinary medicines that can only be supplied to the animal farmer by a veterinarian or a pharmacist
URA:Exclusively available from a veterinarian or on prescription by a veterinarian from a pharmacy or licensed supplier
VRIJ:Veterinary medicines that may be traded freely without a prescription
Registration number (RVG/RVH)

The marketing authorisation number is the unique REG NL number. Search by number only (without REG NL/PAR NL/REG NL H). An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching


ATCVet = (Veterinary) Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical Classification. You can search by description as well as ATCVet code.

Datum verstrekking handelsvergunning
Overige kenmerken
Marketing authorisation holder

An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard while searching

Target species
We cannot show results of withdrawn Veterinary products before 28-01-2022: these withdrawn veterinary products can be found by using the "Free period search"
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Search on values in all SPC's

Zoeken in het SmPC document
In entire SmPC

Discaimer: Searching on terms inside the SPC is not possible for EMA (centralized) veterinary products.

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The Veterinary Medicines Data Bank is updated on a weekly basis and shows the situation of two weeks before. The last update was on 17-04-2024.

As of 14 September 2022 the Veterinary Medicines Data Bank has been modified: marketed authorisations and SPC will be shown as separate documents.

You can help us improving the Veterinary Medicines Data Bank by sending us your remarks using

Overviews of new or no longer permitted (withdrawn) marketing authorisations in any given time period

Specified period

List of Refused applications

Overview of decisions exemption article 5 of regulation 2019/6